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Sometimes, it feels like the more that we have on our plate, the less that we actually get done. Being overloaded at work can create stress, which is normally a healthy thing to experience. However, when you’re faced with a much larger amount of work to plow through than usual, many people channel their instinctual responses. You’ve all heard of fight or flight, but have you heard of “freeze“? It’s the same response that your body gets when: You experience writer’s block, or You don’t know how to start that presentation you’re supposed to be working on, or Whatever it is that you’re avoiding because you just don’t know where to start. Well- we’ve all been there. And the worst possible advice that we’ve ever heard, is: Just do it. Because it doesn’t work that way. I’m here to tell you that Nike got it very wrong. Yes, you should do it, but there are steps to take before you can actually do anything, and here they are: 3 Steps to Get Yourself Motivated Step 1. Preparation: Cover the Basics I know you already know this, but the basics you need to cover before starting anything is completely physical. Make sure you: Sleep well, or at least rest your body for at least 6-8hours. Remove the screens. Put them on airplane mode, or do whatever you can to remove external stimulation. And if you’re tired in the afternoon, don’t be shy to take a 1 hour nap. Tip: You should set your alarm in case you sleep too much. Eat healthy. Most people already know what that means to them, so apply it to yourself because we all have different bodies that need different types of nourishment. Try fresh foods, unrefined fats, and clean proteins. Exercise! This could be whatever works for you- but somewhere in your day, stop to increase your heartbeat for at least 20 minutes. If you can do that out in nature, even better. It gets your creative juices flowing! Have a good workstation setup. I’m personally a fan of desks, so that I can either stand or sit at my correct height. Here’s a really good image resource for you to refer back to when you’re setting up your workstation: Step 2. Reset Your Brainwaves Once you covered the steps in #1, it’s time to retrain your brain. Your brain gets stuck in repetitive patterns, not because it’s good for you, but because it understands that there will be no changes it hasn’t already experienced before. Your brain understands your routine, and it’s trained not to pursue change because changes inflict stress; and therefore invokes a fight, flight, or freeze reaction. Time to break free of that pattern that’s getting you absolutely nowhere fast. Meditate. I know it could sound hokey, but before you sit down (or stand) at your desk, face north and breathe a few deep, purposeful breaths. Picture yourself accomplishing your task. Create a schedule. Organize your time in chunks and block it off in your schedule. Don’t make to-do lists, actually block it off in your calendar and estimate the time you need to finish your job successfully. Remove external stimuli. Turn off your phone, remove notifications from your screens, and let everyone know you’re busy. If you need to be available for only specific people like your boss, partner, or large client, then organize SMS alerts in case you get an email from them, and them alone. Your browser tab is usually busy and distracting. Use this free Chrome extension to shield you from the noise and keep you in your creative zone. Don’t reinvent the wheel. It can be a multitude of things that inspire you, but it needs to get you started. It usually starts out as an idea that your awesome brain can connect with, and envision something bigger around it. Maybe it’s something simple like a subject title, or a presentation slide template.I’ve met a lot of people in my lifetime after speaking at so many events, in so many countries, and I guarantee you that the most successful ones were the ones who were resourceful. Everything is available to you, but it’s up to you to search for it. Once you find your starting point, fill the rest of it out with your enormous style and knowledge- and you’ll see how well that flows. Step 3. Ride that Creativity Wave Congratulations! Because once you get to this step, you’ve already begun to create new brainwave patterns, and you’re probably already producing some quality work. The hard part is to make sure that you don’t get into that rut again, and a lot it has to do with protecting yourself from noise. Here’s a small selection of freebie Chrome extensions that can help you with your inbox distractions: Snooze that email Do not feel pressured to reply back to anyone immediately. Snooze an email for a more suitable time for you to respond. Rename your email for better search later on (like flight tickets) Block off time in your day to respond to emails. Then you can schedule them for when you want them sent. Use screenshots to make sure you communicate visually. Delegate your meeting organization times. Get your meetings organized by letting people book themselves in your calendar for you. With those tips, that should help you get out of your funk, and help you become a productivity machine. Because guess what? More productivity = more happiness, and usually more income, too.
E-commerce websites can seem overwhelming to manage, but effective information architecture, SEO and content marketing strategies can make a huge difference. Nothing about the advice I offer below is complicated, difficult or expensive. After learning these simple strategies, please share them with anyone else who might benefit from them. It may even be someone inside your own company or organization! The powerful impact of SEO harnessed to content marketing SEO can be a powerful tool. I’ve seen clients double — or even triple — revenue by attracting more organic search traffic. This is often followed by a sales boost offline at local stores as more customers find their e-commerce website on a Google search. Through a decade of consulting on SEO for leading e-commerce web shops in Norway and international Fortune 500 corporations, I’ve picked up some precious insights to share with you. Let’s take a closer look at winning strategies of successful web shops and e-commerce companies. 1. Successful e-commerce companies use search & analytics data to inform their strategy. Obviously, a business should serve its customers’ needs. But many e-commerce sites are built without even looking at search data. That’s a shame! Successful e-commerce websites, including those with multiple retail outlets across the country, gain an advantage by doing their research before formulating a customer-centric SEO and content strategy. They uncover what people are searching for on Google by carefully studying search terms, phrases and keywords. Just by looking at search volumes, you can get a sense of which products have the highest (and lowest) demand. Knowing this, everybody should be eager to get their hands on professional keyword research and analysis. By combining search data with sales figures and conversion rate data from their web analytics, it’s easier to predict financial outcomes… even before an SEO strategy is implemented. SEO situational analysis on search phrases used by customers helps to estimate total market share on Google. Marketers can then benchmark it against competitors using tools like SEMrush that measure conversion percentages and market share by category and sub-category. When combined with historical sales figures and profit margins in popular categories, this gives a realistic picture of where the company stands, how well they’re doing, and where opportunities lie to increase market share. This exercise helps prioritize their focus on the best performing segments and reap a rich bounty in increased sales. In successful e-commerce companies, data is king. Strategists only go by facts and figures. Experts and consultants are hired to help, and their value is assessed not by time spent on research, but by the value they bring by way of added sales and revenues. 2. Their information architecture and website structure is customer-focused. The website of a successful e-commerce company doesn’t mirror its organizational structure. Instead, the focus is on what customers want. Using search data from Google to uncover user intent, smart marketers first identify frequently asked questions and solutions that customers are searching for. Addressing them promptly and clearly gives their visitors a great experience because they feel understood and cared for. You want your customers to be impressed by how well the website deals with their concerns and queries. To deliver this rich online experience, successful e-commerce sites trawl available search data to find questions, needs, problems and important issues that prospective customers might have. From there, they can build a customer-oriented information architecture that is effective and easy to navigate. 3. Their content strategy is based on search data. As search engines like Google become integrated earlier in the buying process, often at the decision-making stage, content has become more important for targeting and penetrating markets. Companies are buying more content. And agencies are selling more of it, hiring writers to create fresh content. The best content marketing investments are, of course, based on consumer data like keyword research and analysis. Business leaders who grow revenue and profits rapidly create only content that matters to their customers — content that impacts sales or helps build long-term relationships. Leaders of successful e-commerce entities know that it’s more effective when SEO consultants and content producers work together. They facilitate cross-team cooperation and get everyone involved right from the planning and implementation stage. They keep all key players informed about progress and future plans so that everybody is on the same page. 4. They solve critical problems early in the planning phase. Top-performing e-commerce business leaders aren’t in firefighting mode during production or post-production. They don’t rush into website planning without input from all relevant stakeholders — including an SEO consultant. Developing a customer-centric e-commerce website begins with comprehensive keyword research and analysis carried out by a professional. It’s a great opportunity to find out what millions of micro-moments reveal about their customers’ desires and fears. This is more valuable than even phone call or email surveys. People may not tell you what’s really bothering them. But by observing their online behavior, you’ll get precious insights into how their minds work. Search data will provide a bird’s-eye view of customers’ unfiltered thoughts and track their behavior patterns. 5. They follow SEO best practices for e-commerce websites. There’s nothing new about e-commerce SEO. It’s just a specialized service where SEO strategy and tactics are tailored specifically to the unique challenges of e-commerce websites. Successful organizations draw up plans before they start coding. They rarely find themselves caught in a nightmare because they didn’t plan in advance. On the other hand, their less successful counterparts are frequently stuck in a position where sales underperform — sometimes for many years — because someone forgot to implement well-known SEO best practices. Proper planning and preparation lets the high performers issue suitable instructions to developers, which results in better website coding that won’t have to be completely redone later if problems arise.
Google announced the long-awaited rollout of similar audiences for Search on Monday. Similar audiences can be built from past site visitors — remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA). The company also officially announced the global availability of Customer Match targeting for Shopping campaigns. Google first teased the expansion of similar audiences from display to search-based campaigns last May. With similar audiences for search, Google targets users searching for the same things as users recently added to RLSA lists –meaning it takes into consideration the kinds of searches users were performing when they landed — or even converted — on an advertiser’s site. An example from Google: Say you’ve created a remarketing list of people who bought running shoes from your sporting goods site. Instead of helping you reach broad groups of people interested in “running,” similar audiences will identify that people on this list tended to search for “triathlon training” and “buy lightweight running shoes” before coming to your site and making a purchase. Based on this, similar audiences will then find other people with similar search behavior, such as people who searched for ‘buy lightweight running shoes’. Lists are constantly and automatically updated as users change their search activity. And, once a user visits a site, they’ll no longer be included on the similar audiences list. Amy McNeil, head of digital marketing at Fiat Chrysler Automobiles US, which beta tested the similar audiences for search, told Google, “In less than two months, similar audiences for search delivered an 11 percent increase in clickthrough rate and 22 percent more conversions across our test campaigns.” John Deere and GameStop were among the other beta testers. Remarketing lists will automatically qualify for similar audiences expansion when they meet certain criteria, including having at least 1,000 cookies and enough recent participants who exhibited similar search behaviors. You’ll find them listed under Audiences in the Shared Library. Note that similar audience lists do not apply to sensitive categories. Advertisers can apply similar audiences to Search and Shopping campaigns and add bid modifiers to the audiences. Customer Match for Shopping campaigns allows advertisers to target existing customers with Shopping ads — for new styles and so on — in addition to text ads. Compiled from
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