
Right from creating your official pages, to adding clit to action buttons and configuring your social portfolio to daily engagements and post boosting are all AMKANs forte accounted under monthly retainer ship , Where as Ads , Sponsored contents , lead generations and other form of publications are accounted accordingly to campaign and duration.


Apart from handling engagements to generating handlers, re tweets, cross tagging and daily updates, AMKAN takes pride to announce the very first twitter ad  campaign through our business center for AMKAN



Whether its your personal page management with updates to job or recruitment drive to sponsored ads all under sing point of service solution from AMKAN.



If your product or services are more image centric , AMKAN recommends the use of platform where the same finds a new role and also helps in crawlers to find your pages and social punch landing pages in easier and faster way.




The present visual network of the world as its the only largest repository of all videos. AMKAN identifies methods to create your own personal and professional channels and conducts areas of Video inputs for various campaigns including promotional / audience interactions and updates and more. AMKAN handling you tube promotions for Video ads / banner ads / in channel ads and more.

Google Plus

Another networking tool which is under the canopy of the worlds largest search engine can harbor facilities like small group webinar, blog , info share , on screen telephony. AMKAN ties up the knot of the services under G+ with objective to promotions + engagements + portfolio management etc.. 



An image speaks louder than words, hence AMKAN recognizes the prominence of the social media tool called Instagram . With updates on pics and related info share Instagram is used to basically target the pic o philic audience and nurtures their interest to increase brand loyalty.



Blogs/Micro blogging

AMKAN's deicated team of Content & Copy professionals can write in LCD (lowerst common dinominator ) to Graundiloquence of text  Experts in industry or specialized protocol works in close knit fashion to give our clinets the best of Content marketing through blogging and micro blogging 

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