Inventory Mgt Software
Inventory Management Software

AMKAN can integrate with inventory system with cateloguing photoshoot - the inventory managment system marks on realtime the amount of inventory out for photoshoot wiht details with attribure entry and titles helping the entire chain of operations. The IMS is used exclusively for photoshoot with transparent process to avoid shortages in inventory.

Photo shoot / edit
Photo shoot / edit

With a team of excellent Photoshoot AMKAN is in ful capacity to do model photoshoots | Product photo shoots | Food photography with entire styling and prop concepts | google 360 degrees and staged or event photoshoots

Logistic and Coordination

AMKAN has a fully controlled team of logistic and coordination system to handle 10K SKU photoshoot in 20days, including attribute entry , content writing and title dataeenty and proof reading

Content and Attribute Design
Content and Attribute Design

A team of content writer/ copy specialist and editor are in full wagon to suppor the updates of the SKUs at a rate of 10K SKU in 20 days time

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